Practical tips and useful information about travelling in Tuscany. Everything you need to know before you set off.
Italy operates on a 220 volt AC (50 cycle) system (equivalent to the U.K., Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand), as opposed to the United States’ 110 volts AC (60 cycle) system. You’ll need a simple adaptor plug to make flat pegs fit their round holes; and an electrical currency converter (unless your appliance is dual-voltage as most electronic devices are).
⇒ What to pack for your trip to Tuscany
Opening hours
Business Hours – General opening hours for stores and offices are from 9:00am to 1pm; and from 3:30pm or 4pm to 8pm.
Having said that, in Florence city centre, many shops stay open all day without a break, Sundays included. This goes for many of the more touristic areas in high season. Check our article for more information about where to find the best shopping experiences.
In most towns shops are often closed for half a day during the week. It’s usually a Monday or Wednesday but varies from place to place.
If you’re going to be changing money at a bank, they are open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 1:30pm and from 2:30 to 3:30pm.
=> Everything you need to know about Paying for Things in Tuscany
Tourist Information Offices:
Via Cavour 1 Rosso – 50129 Firenze
Monday to Friday open from 9am to 6pm, Satuday from 9am to 2am, closed on sundays.
Tel. 055.290832 – 055.290833
Piazza della Stazione 5 – 50123 Firenze
Monday to Friday. Open from 9am to 7pm, Sunday open from 9am to 2pm Tel. 055.212245
Piazza San Giovanni 1 – 50129 Firenze. Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm, Sunday from 9am to 2pm.Tel. 055.288496 – E-mail:
Info Point Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci Firenze
Via del Termine, 11 – Firenze
Tel. 055.315874
Ufficio Informazioni Turistiche
Santa Maria della Scala
Piazza Duomo, 1 – 53100 Siena
Tel: 0577 280551
Central Station Area
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 16
Tel. 050 42291
Leaning Tower Area
Piazza del Duomo
Tel. 050 550100
In Italy Pharmacies are ubiquitous (look for the green cross) and offer essentially the same range of generic drugs you find everywhere. Pharmacies are also the only place you’ll find aspirin and simple cold medicines. Pharmacies in Florence and other cities take turns doing the night shift. Normally there is a list posted at the entrance of each pharmacy, telling customers which pharmacy is open on which night of the week.
The pharmacy inside Santa Maria Novella train station is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Useful tips
Visiting churches – The is no dress code, but men and women should keep their shoulders covered out of respect.
Public toilets – Usually near the station areas and inside museums, and you can use those in bars and other establishments for a small purchase.